Szczyrk in Poland

Our Leśna Chata is located in Szczyrk, a city in southern Poland. Szczyrk is a popular ski resort and is located in a mountain range called Beskid Śląski and in the Zylica Valley.

The mountains surrounding the valley are Skrzyczne (1257 m) and Klimczok (1117 m). Both are accessible for mountain trekking as they are very easy to climb.

Szczyrk is a ski center that has over 60 km of skiing trails. The Polish national teams in skiing, ski jumping and figure skating have their training base in Szczyrk.

By booking accommodation in our Leśna Chata, you have the opportunity to find adventure in the high mountains, skiing or rock climbing, harmony in the quiet hammock, inspiration from singing birds and the silence of the forest if you are an artist or writer.

A warm welcome to contact us: